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Let's Talk Windows 11

  • 03/17/2022
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Zoom Remote Meeting
  • 62


Registration is closed

Our next Let’s Talk… is all about Windows 11. The latest operating system upgrade from Microsoft has some of us jumping on the bandwagon, some of us waiting to upgrade and others waiting until they purchase a new system. If you’ve already upgraded, join us with your questions and issues. If you are waiting to go from Windows 10 to 11, join us to discuss the pros and cons for all users. Remember that Windows 10 is viable through October 2025 so there’s no rush. Please send your questions and issues for discussion ahead of time to jolyn.bowler@gmail.com and come join us for the discussion.

This session is part of the series that Jolyn Bowler has begun of Special Interest Group (SIGs) over Zoom on a bi-weekly basis called “Let’s Talk…” Every two weeks (the first and third Thursdays of the month) Jolyn will host a conversation over Zoom at 4:00 pm and will cover a variety of Q&A sessions. We’ll invite some of our most knowledgeable Volunteers into some of the discussions as well. The sessions will last an hour.

This is a Zoom meeting. If you register you will receive a link to join the meeting in the confirmation email and also the reminder the day before the meeting.

Note, in order to complete your registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration. Space is limited 25 people so we can manage the class. If the class is full, please put yourself on the waitlist and we'll have a repeat soon.

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