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Using MS Word to do Customized letters, labels and emails

  • 11/16/2020
  • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Zoom Remote Meeting
  • 9


Registration is closed

A class on the Mail Merge function of Microsoft Word

Norm Galloway will be teaching this is one-session class on the Mail Merge function of Microsoft Word. This is a powerful tool for sending personalized letters and emails to a group. It will show how to use an Excel list of people with email or street addresses to generate personalized emails or letters to the list. This is an important tool for those who want to avoid spam filters in the group emails they generate. The class will use Word, Excel and Outlook. If you use these tools (Office 365) on Windows or iMac this class will help get you started personalizing your correspondence.

This is a Zoom meeting. If you register you will receive a link to join the meeting in the confirmation email and also the reminder the day before the meeting.

Note, in order to complete your registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration. Space is limited 40 people so we can manage the class. If the class is full, please put yourself on the waitlist and we'll have a repeat soon.

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