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Senior Fraud and Identity Theft

  • 04/06/2020
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • USCB Hilton Head Campus - Large Classroom
  • 101


Staff Sargent Eric Calendine of the Beaufort County Sherriff's department  and Norm Galloway will give an overview of fraud and identity theft issues that we all face. They will cover real world examples of how the thieves executer frauds and how much it can impact your life. Things you can do to minimize your chances for being a victim and the processes for recovering from identity theft will also be covered along with lists of resources that can be used to insure against identity theft and steps to take if it occurs.

Note, in order to complete your registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration. Space is limited 110 people for this presentation and you must recieve a confirmation email in order to attend.

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