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Communicating With Windows 10

  • 10/07/2019
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Senior Center Large Room
  • 27


Registration is closed

Communicating with our family, friends and business associates is one of the main activities we do with our digital devices. In October the club will focus on how to communicate with Windows, Apple and "not Apple". 

The first communication presentation will be given by Norm Galloway and will cover using Windows 10 and Microsoft Office tools like Outlook and Skype to do emails, text messaging, video calls and even normal voice calls to land line and mobile devices. We'll also see how Windows 10 can interface directly with your mobile phone for texting and sharing pictures. Social networking apps such as Facebook and Messenger will be touched on and we will do a short piece on having you email synched between your phone and your PC.

Note, in order to complete your initial registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration.  You must have a confirmation email in order to attend.

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