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Excel Basics

  • 09/12/2019
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Computer Club Resource Center
  • 0


Excel is a component of the Microsoft Office Suite that is used in a wide variety of applications.  In this class taught by John Ambler  you will learn how to use the basic features of this program.  Topics to be covered include:  creating and modifying Excel spreadsheets, formatting spreadsheet data, writing formulas for calculations, sorting and filtering.

To participate in the class exercises you can use one of the computers in the Resource Center or you can bring your own portable computer with Excel installed (version 2007 or more recent).  If you plan to use one of the RC computers, you should bring along a flash drive in case you want to take files home with you.

The class will be 2 hours with a break mid way.

 Note, in order to complete your registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration.

Space for this hands on class will be limited to 15 Reservations and a waitlist will be kept and processed if there are cancelations.

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