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  • 10/01/2018
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Sr. Center Large Room
  • 0


Registration is closed

What on earth is a blockchain? Do bitcoins exist? Ethereum? These terms have been used a lot in the financial press, but there has been very little explanation of what they are. Dave McCoy will give this presentation covering:

BLOCKCHAIN what it is and how it works in general terms. Learn why blockchain is important and why industries such as banking, supply chain, government, and healthcare are building blockchain applications.

BITCOIN the history and purpose of this cryptocurrency which is designed as a digital payment system and store of value. There has been rampant speculation on the price of Bitcoin.

 ETHEREUM will explore the notion of a “world computer” as the platform for distributed digital applications or dApps. DApps will usher in new ways to transact business on the Internet.  Learn how smart contracts can be used as “programable” money. 

 Note, in order to complete your registration you must click on Register, and complete the registration process (several screens) until you get to review and confirm your registration. Space is limited 55 people for this presentation and you must have a confirmation email in order to attend.

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